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Cleaner TODAY

Our Mission

To improve our customer's quality of life
with products that encourage a "Cleaner Today".  

We recognize that the future is brighter in neighborhoods that are Cleaner.


Improve Property Values

Reduce Health Risks

Save Real Money

Create Jobs

  • 40% of the curb appeal is based on the roof
  • Roof Replacement costs $5000 in lost asking price
  • Algae and Mold cause buyers to suspect other problems
  • Algae and Mold cause the stains on roofs
  • These microorganisms feed on the shingle
  • Mold is a source of inside allergies
  • Roof Stains result in 50% of roofs replacement
  • Algae on the roof retains sunlight and moisture
  • Retained sunlight increase utility costs %15 

Our Vision

Cleaner Today focuses on the outside of the home,
as a complement to the way communities,
faith based organizations, and neighbors
focus on the inside of the home.

Together we can all make our neighborhoods.. Cleaner TODAY, and enjoy a Brighter future!