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Billing & Additional Support
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  Please click here for CleanerToday contact information.
I don't recognize a charge on my bill

What is this charge from

Many people will remember that they bought a roof cleaner, or moth traps but may not remember that they were purchased from We take charge inquiries seriously and are happy to work with you to resolve this issue.

What does Cleaner Today sell?

The products people purchase from Cleaner Today are:
  • Cleaners - Roof Cleaners, Deck Cleaners, Siding Cleaners, Mold Cleaners
  • Sanitizers - Hand Sanitizers by Viraguard and Surface Sanitizers from Pure Green 24 and Veridien
  • Moth Traps
  • Spider Traps

Common charge scenarios

95% of unexplained charges result from one of these situations:
  • Do you have a son or daughter away at school who is authorized to use the card? Have you asked them about this charge?
  • Do you have a spouse, friend, relative, or co-worker who has access to your card number and may have placed an order?
  • Did you send a gift to someone recently?
  • Did you place an order in the past for a back-ordered item? Perhaps it was just recently shipped.
We ask that you check with the other authorized users of the card or review the Your Orders page to review your complete order history.

Charge is not explained by any of these situations

If the charge is not explained by any of these situations, Before contacting your credit card company to charge back the amount, please email ( ) the following information:
  • Date of charge
  • Amount of charge
  • Contact phone for your issuing bank (the toll-free number on your credit card is sufficient)
  • Your name, e-mail address, and fax number or phone number
Please do not send your credit card number via e-mail, as this is not a secure transmission method.

We will research the charge and confirm what order was placed and provide confirmation of delivery.

I need a copy of my receipt/invoice.
  Click the "My Account / Order Status" link at the top right hand side of our site to print invoices.